McDonalds Teenie Beanie Babies - 1999

McDonalds/Ty Teenie Beanie Boos (Magical Creatures)

2020 & 2021 McDonalds Promotions - Outside USA

Happy Meal promotions featuring the new Ty "Magical Creatures" appeared worldwide in 2020 and 2021. The Magical Creatures had not appeared previously in the USA. The Magical Creatures' eyes glow in the dark.



Ana - unicorn - McDopnalds/Ty Magical Creatures



Glake - dragon - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures



Griff - griffin - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatgures



Levi - leviathan - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures


(snow lion)

Lionel - snow lion - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures



Mino - minotaur - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures



Neptune - hippocampus - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures



Percy - pegasus - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures

Phoebus or Phoebe


Phoebe or Phoebus - phoenix - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures

Sage or Saga


Sage or Saga - virgin - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures

Weiss or White

(white tiger)

Weiss or White - white tiger - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures



Winter -McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures



Wulong - McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures

Swing tag


2020/2021 McDonalds/Ty worldwide promotion swing tag front - image available soon

Swing tag


2020/2021 McDonalds/Ty worldwide promotion swing tag back - image available soon


1. The McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures promotion in Germany ran from August 13 - September 23, 2000. Ten different Magical Creatures were given out in Germany. The Germany Happy Meal promotion did not include Ana, Griff or Percy, but did include Wulong.

2. The McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures promtion in the UK and UAE was in 2020. Twelve different Magical creatures were given out in these countries.

3. The McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures promotion in Brazil was in 2021. Twelve different Magical Creatures were given out in Brazil.

2020/2021 Magical Creatures bags

2020/2021 McDonalds/Ty Magical Creatures bags - image available soon

"Thank you" to Alan de Andrade Soares (São Paulo, Brazil) for his information and images about the 2021 McDonalds/Ty promotion in Brazil.

Magical Creature images courtesy of McDonalds Internet site in Brazil.