Teenie Beanies - McDonalds 1997 promotion

1997 Teenie Beanie Babies (Promotional Items)

Happy Meal Bags

6 inches wide x 11 inches tall
Bag 1 - front and back

1997 Happy Meal bag 1 - front 1997 Happy Meal bag 1 - back

Bag 1 - bottom

1997 Happy Meal bag - bottom

Bag 2 - front and back

1997 Happy Meal Bag 2 - front - Ty / McDonalds promotion 1997 Happy Meal Bag 2 - back - Ty / McDonalds promotion

Bag 2 - bottom

1997 Happy Meal Bag 2 - bottom - Ty / McDonalds promotion

Drive-thru Translite Sign

Positioned near the drive thru menus
13.5 inches x 13.5 inches

Photo available soon

Media Kit

Two hundred of the media kits were given to McDonalds executives and media representatives. The kit contained all ten of the Teenie Beanie Babies and a group photograph of the set.

Photo not available

McDonalds Restaurant In-store Display

Photo available soon

McDonalds Restaurant Display for Charity Auction

17.5 inches wide x 32.5 inches tall

Photo not available

"Teenie Beanies Purchase Limit" sign

The "Purchase Limit" sign came in a set with one cardboard table stand-up sign, an identical window stick-on paper sign, instructions and blank stickers that could be used to cover over the price on the sign with a different price.

8 inches wide x 10 inches tall

Teenie Beanie Babiews Purchase Limit sign

Employee Pin

Given to McDonalds employees after the promotion.


Photo not available