I Love Japan (Hello Kitty)
I Love Japan (regular version)
I love Japan (UK version)
Licensed - Sanrio
UK - August 2011
American Red Cross
SWING TAG PHRASE (inside right)
In friendship and support of those
affected by the earthquake and tsunami
in Japan, Ty is donating $1 million
to the American Red Cross
relief efforts in Japan
USA SWING TAG (inside)
EXTRA SWING TAG (USA, front & back)
1. Ty donated one million dollars to the American Red Cross to assist with relief efforts in Japan after a devastating earthquake and tsunami that occurred on March 11, 2011.
2. The UK version of I Love Japan (Hello Kitty) came without the nurses cap because laws in the UK restrict the use of the Red Cross emblem to official Red Cross business. The UK version also shipped without the extra "Hello Japan, support our friends" tag that came with the USA version.
3. Ty produced two collectibles to help raise funds for Ty's donation. The other one was a Beanie Boo named Hope for Japan.
MYSTERY VERSION (undocumented)
In November 2011, an undocumented version of the I Love Japan Hello Kitty Beanie Baby escaped from Hong Kong and sought refuge in the tycollector.com Beanie sanctuary. She lost her swing tag during the escape but her tush tag appears to be authentic.