Punchers (BBOC)
Punchers was the first edition of Pinchers, one of the original nine Beanie Babies.
From October 3, 2005 to March 9, 2006, Beanie Baby Official Club (BBOC) members could order replicas of the original 9 Beanie Babies. The replicas were sold in bags of 5 different assortments. Each assortment bag contained 9 BBOC Beanie Babies. Members did not know which assortment they would receive when they placed their order. In each of the five bag assortments, there might be a surprise variation of an original 9 Beanie Baby. There were 14 different Beanie Babies in this BBOC promotion. The different assortments were:
1. Chocolate, Flash, Legs, Splash, Squealer, Pinchers, Cubbie, Spot with a spot, light pink Patti or the rarer raspberry Patti.
2. Chocolate, Flash, Legs, Splash, Squealer, Pinchers, Cubbie, light pink Patti, Spot with a spot, or the rarer Spot without a spot.
3. Chocolate, Flash, Legs, Splash, Squealer, Pinchers, Spot with a spot, light pink Patti, Cubbie or the rarer Brownie.
4. Chocolate, Flash, Legs, Splash, Squealer, Cubbie, Spot with a spot, light pink Patti, Pinchers or the rarer Punchers.
5. Chocolate, Flash, Legs, Splash, Squealer, Pinchers, Cubbie, Spot with a spot, light pink Patti or the rarer deep fuchsia Patti.