Ty Collector

Ty Plush Birthdays in February

January - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December


1 Feb

Beanie Boos (clips)
Fiona - cat - style 25065

Beanie Boos
Carrots - rabbit - style 36031
Fiona - cat - style 36366
Julep - monkey - style 36056
Pashun - dog - style 36206

Beanie Babies
Bunga Raya - bear - style 4615 - (birth year 2002)
Dewi Y Ddraig - dragon - style 46157 - (birth year 2010)
D'Vine - monkey - style 40767 - (birth year 2008)
Flower - meerkat - style 46155 - (birth year 2010)
Niles - camel - style 4284 -(birth year 2000)
Peace - bear - style 4053 - (birth year 1996)
Peepers - bushbaby - style 40795 - (birth year 2009)
TOUR Teddy - bear - style 40347 - (birth year 2006)

Teenie Beanie Boppers
Terrific Tessa - style 0334

Lovely Lily - style 0223

2 Feb

Mini Boos
Darling (clip) - dog - style 25056

Beanie Boos
Clover - lamb - style 36032
Cookie - dog - style 36057
Darling - dog - style 36706
Tuffy - dog - style 36022

Beanie Babies
Big Apple - bear - style 40120 - (birth year 2004)
PUNXSUTAWN-e PHIL - groundhog - style 4418 - (birth year 2002)
PUNXSUTAWN-e PHIL 2004 - groundhog - style 4434 - (birth year 2004)
Punxsutawn-e Phil 2005 - groundhog -  style 44039 - (birth year 2005)
PUNXSUTAWN-e PHIL 2006 - groundhog - tyle 44080 - (birth year 2006)
PUNXSUTAWN-e PHIL 2007 - groundhog - style 44099 - (birth year 2007)
Punxsutawn-e Phil 2008 - groundhog - style 44123 - (birth year 2008)
Punxsutawney Phil - groundhog - style 4418 - (birth year 2003)
Punxsutawney Phil 2004 - groundhog - styles 40034 & 4705 - (by 2004)
Punxsutawney Phil 2005 - groundhog - styles 40197 & 47006 - (by 2005)
Punxsutawney Phil 2006 - groundhog - styles 40326 & 47022 - (by 2006)
Punxsutawney Phil 2007 - groundhog - styles 40477 & 47059 - (by 2007)
Punxsutawney Phil 2008 - groundhog - styles 40722 & 47095 - (bby 2008)
Punxsutawney Phil 2009 - groundhog - styles 47116 - (birth year 2009)
Romance - bear - style 4398 - (birth year 2001)

3 Feb

Beanie Boos
Darling - unicorn - style 36685
Esme - panda - style 36538
Jack - dog - style 36844

Beanie Babies
Aurora - bear - style 4271 -(birth year 2000)
Beak - kiwi bird - style 4211 - (birth year 1998)
Charmer - gorilla - style 40977 - (birth year 2013)
Foster - monkey - style 41333
Puddles - duck - style 40891 - (birth year 2010)

Huggable Holly - style 0203

4 Feb

Beanie Bellies
Locky - axolotl - style 41292

Beanie Boos
Tauri - cat - style 37178
Smootches - dog - style 36662

Beanie Babies
Fetch - dog - style 4189 - (birth year 1997)
Kissable - frog - style 40470 - (birth year 2006)

5 Feb

Beanie Boos
Honey Bun - dog - style 37210
Sweetums - giraffe - style 36660

Beanie Babies
Avalon - horse - style 40095 - (birth year 2004)
Fleecia - lamb - style 40892 - (birth year 2010)
Honey Bun - dog - style 37210
Majestic - seahorse - style 42072 - (birth year 2013)
Malaysia (I love) - bear - style 46024 - (birth year 2005)
Osito - bear - style 4244 - (birth year 1999)

6 Feb

Beanie Boos
Hunk - husky - style 36370

Beanie Babies
Blitz - bear - style 40248 - (birth year 2005)
Deputy - dog - style 40626 - (birth year 2007)
Ferny - bear - style 4618 - (birth year 2002)
Ronnie - bear - style 40015 - (birth year 2003)
Valentino II - bear - style 41305

7 Feb

Mini Boos (clip)
Silver - unicorn - style 25050

Teeny Tys
Hootie - owl - style 41246

Beanie Boos
Junglelove - giraffe - style 36073

Beanie Babies
2008 Zodiac Rat - style 46122 - (birth year 2008)
Kissme - bear - style 4504 - (birth year 2001)
Kissy - bear - style 40037 - (birth year 2003)
Kodi - bear - style 40170
Little Kiss - bear - style 47040 - (birth year 2006)
Little Squeeze - bear - style 47040 - (birth year 2006)
Silver - bear - style 46001 - (birth year 2004)

8 Feb

Beanie Boos
Mai - cat - style 36371
Nibbles - Guinea pig - style 36037
Sherbet - dog - style 36124

Beanie Babies
Masque - bear - style 44044 - (birth year 2005)
Periwinkle - bear - style 4400 -(birth year 2000)
Socks The Sock Monkey (brown) - style 40904 - (birth year 2010)
Socks The Sock Monkey (grey) - style 40905 - (birth year 2010)
Wiggy - sea lion - style 42132

Beanie Buddies
Socks The Sock Monkey (brown) - style 90127 - (birth year 2011)
Socks The Sock Monkey (grey) - style 90126 - (birth year 2011)

9 Feb

Teeny Tys
Gus - penguin - style 42159

Beanie Boos
Asha - ostrich - stule 36281
Cherie - unicorn - style 36251

Beanie Babies
Magenta II - bear - style 41320
Romeo & Juliet - monkeys - style 40306 - (birth year 2005)
Scaly - lizard - style 4263 - (birth year 1999)
Singapore (I love) - bear - style 46023 - (birth year 2005)

10 Feb

Beanie Boos
Beau - dog - style 36539
Darlin - dog - style 36102
Valentina - panda - style 37338

Beanie Babies
Fields - rabbit - style 40875 - (birth year 2010)
Grace - rabbit - style 4274 -(birth year 2000)
Hearts-A-Flutter - bear - style 47083 - (birth year 2007)
Hearts-A-Plenty - bear - style 47083 - (birth year 2007)
Orchard - rabbit - style 40875 - (birth year 2010)
Tender - lamb - style 40167 - (birth year 2004)

11 Feb

Beanie Bellies
Desi - bear - style 41047

McDonalds Teeny Tys
Star - unicorn - bag 1

Teeny Tys
Finley - fox - style 42135
Star - unicorn - style 42210

Beanie Boos
Ice Cube - penguin - style 36741
Pooch - bulldog - style 37371

Beanie Babies
Ai - bear - style 4628 - (birth year 2003)
Gus - gecko - style 40784 - (birth year 2009)
Japan (I love) - bear - style 46022 - (birth year 2004)
Rowdy - dog - style 40796 - (birth year 2009)
Silver - cat - style 4242 - (birth year 1999)
Trumpet - elephant - style 4276 -(birth year 2000)

12 Feb

Otis - pig - styles 65008 & 67008

Beanie Babies
Congo - gorilla - style 40896 - (birth year 2010)
Fetch - dog - style 40796 - (birth year 2009)
Fun - bear - style 40383 - (birth year 2006)
Laughter - bear - style 40384 - (birth year 2006)
Peaches - giraffe - style 41199

Attic Treasures
Otis (2017) - pig - styles 65008 & 67008

13 Feb

Beanie Balls
Pickpocket - raccoon - style 42540

Beanie Boos
Kacey - koala bear - style 36149
Mandy - panda bear - style 36130
Scooter - snail - style 37199
Stripes - tiger - style 36017

Beanie Babies
Cupid's Bow - bear - style 47094 - (birth year 2007)
Heartley - bear - style 47114 - (birth year 2008)
Jaden - cat - style 42129
Pinky - flamingo - style 4072 - (birth year 1995)
Skis - bear - style 40438 - (birth year 2006)
Stinky - skunk - style 4017 - (birth year 1995)
Sunny - bear - style 4401 -(birth year 2000)

14 Feb

Sea Sequins
Ginger - mermaid - style 2104

Beanie Boos
Milena - cat - style 36567
Tender - elephant - style 36072

Beanie Babies
Adore - bear - style 44043 - (birth year 2005)
Always - bear - style 40161 - (birth year 2004)
Casanova - bear - style 40476 - (birth year 2006)
Cupid - dog - style 4502 - (birth year 2001)
Hugamus - hippopotamus - style 44188 - (birth year 2009)
Kiss-e - bear - style 4419 - (birth year 2002)
Lovesme - dog - style 44082 - (birth year 2006)
My Sweet - bear - style 40723 - (birth year 2007)
Sarge - dog - style 4277 -(birth year 2000)
Smooch - bear - style 4335 -(birth year 2000)
SMOOCH-e - bear - style 4435 - (birth year 2004)
Valentina - bear - style 4233 - (birth year 1998)
Valentine - mopnkey - style 40038 - (birth year 2003)
Valentino - bear - style 4058 - (birth year 1994)

Flirty Francie - style 0211

Beanie Kids
Luvie - style 0014 - (birth year 1994)

15 Feb

Beanie Boos
Boris - monkey - style 36182
Snookie - unicorn - style 36384

Beanie Babies
Farley - dog - style 40460 - (birth year 2006)
Fussy - cat - style 40086 - (birth year 2004)
Hug-hug - bear - style 40310 - (birth year 2005)
Kiss-kiss - bear - style 40310 - (birth year 2005)
Serenity - dove - style 4533 - (birth year 2002)
Socks The Sock Monkey (pink) - style 40941 - (birth year 2011)

Beanie Buddies
Socks The Sock Monkey (pink) - style 90129 - (birth year 2011)

16 Feb

Scarlett - cat - styles 39207 & 39303

Beanie Boos
Pinecone - hedgehog - style 36894
Torte - turtle - style 37367

Beanie Ballz
Fable - unicorn - style 38066

Beanie Babies
Bubbly - bear - style 4985 - (birth year 2003)
Fizz - bear - style 4983 - (birth year 2003)
Smitten - bear - style 4577 - (birth year 2002)
Socks The Sock Monkey (zig-zag) - 40940 - (birth year 2011)
Thunderbolt - horse - style 40408 - (birth year 2006)
Toast - bear - style 4984 - (birth year 2003)

Beanie Buddies
Socks The Sock Monkey (zig-zag) - 90128 - (birth year 2011)

17 Feb

Checkers - panda - style 83004

Beanie Boos
Dainty - flamingo - style 36686

Beanie Ballz
In Love - monkey - style 38037

Beanie Babies
Baldy - eagle - style 4074 - (birth year 1996)
Bounder - kangaroo - style 46108 - (birth year 2007)
Racing gold - bear - style black - 44119 - (birth year 2008)
Racing gold (all except black color) - bear - style 40694 - (birth year 2008)
Speckles - bear - style 4402 -(birth year 2000)

18 Feb

Beanie Boos
Aqua - fish - style 37243
Arsentiy - lamb - style 36023 - (birth year 2015)
Daria - dragon - style 36028 - (birth year 2015)
Leyla - lamb - style 36029 - (birth year 2015)
Olga - lamb - style 36018 - (birth year 2015)
Roxie - raccoon - style 36146
Sugar - elephant - style 37209

Beanie Babies
2007 Zodiac Pig - style 46088 - (birth year 2006)
Mystic (2010 version) - unicorn - style 40899 - (birth year 2010)
Racer (red) - bear - style 40563 - (birth year 2007)
Rusty - red panda - style 4563 - (birth year 2002)
Vanda - bear - style 4614 - (birth year 2002)

19 Feb

Ty Flippables
Malibu - cat - style 36261

Beanie Boos
Asher - unicorn cat - style 36306

Beanie Babies
I Love (heart) U - bears - style 40307 - (birth year 2005)
Prickles - hedgehog - style 4220 - (birth year 1998)
Sonnet - dog - style 40036 - (birth year 2003)

Rah-Rah Rachel - style 0245

20 Feb

Beanie Bellies
Binx - cat - style 41501

Ty Flippables
Cupid - cat - style 36340

Beanie Babies
Germany (I love) - bear - style 46034 - (birth year 2004)
Morrie - eel - style 4282 -(birth year 2000)
Roary - lion - style 4069 - (birth year 1996)

21 Feb

Squishy Beanies
Matteo (10-inch) - monkey - style 39399

Teeny Tys
Chaser XI (Canada) - lizard - style 42271

Beanie Boos
Shellby - turtle - style 36110
Sweetly - polar bear - style 36103

Beanie Babies
Amber - cat - style 4243 - (birth year 1999)
Matteo - monkey - style 40541

Teenie Beanie Boppers
Beautiful Belle - style 0313

Silky - pig - style 40201 - (birth year 2004)

22 Feb

Mini Boos (clip)
Dangler - sloth - style 25058

Ty Flippables
Dangler - sloth - style 36668

Ty Fashion
Dangler - sloth (accessory bag) - style 95824
Dangler - sloth (backpack) - style 95041
Dangler - sloth (belt bag) - style 95802
Dangler - sloth (face mask) - style 95706
Dangler - sloth (pencil bag) - style 95851
Dangler - sloth (wristlet) - style 95235

Beanie Boos
Dangler - sloth - style 36215
Echo - dolphin - style 36888

Beanie Babies
Chilly - polar bear - style 4012 - (birth year 1994)
Glacier - polar bear - style 47141 - (birth year 2010)
Sneaky - leopard - style 4278 -(birth year 2000)
Tank - armadillo - style 4031 - (birth year 1995)

23 Feb

Mini Boos (clip)
Saffire - dragon - style 25060

Beanie Boos
Fluffy - lion - style 36132
Saffire - dragon - style 36879

Beanie Babies
Bounds - dog - style 40653 - (birth year 2007)
Chocolate Kiss - dog - style 47091 - (birth year 2007)
Hopson - rabbit - style 40495 - (birth year 2006)
Paul - walrus - style 4248 - (birth year 1999)
Street Sense - horse - style 40697 - (birth year 2004)

24 Feb

Tia - cat - style 42525

Ty Flippables
Charmed - Chihuahua - style 36341

Beanie Boos
Camilla - poodle - style 36383
Egert - moose - style 36230
Petunia - rabbit - style 36059

Beanie Babies
Mardi Gras - bear - style 40199 - (birth year 2004)
Swoop - pterodactyl - style 4268 -(birth year 2000)

25 Feb

Kirra - cat - styles 39335 & 39238

McDonalds Teenie Beanie Boos
Sully the Sloth (2021 promotion) - bag #4

Beanie Boos
Posy - bird - style 36058
Spitfire - dragon - style 37361
Sully - sloth - style 36692

Beanie Babies
Flash - - Guinea pig - style 40782 - (birth year 2009)
Fuddle - bear - style 40625 - (birth year 2007)
Happily - rabbit - style 47020 - (birth year 2006)
Happy - hippopotamus - style 4061 - (birth year 1994)
Hippily - rabbit - style 47020 - (birth year 2006)
Hoppily - rabbit - style 47020 - (birth year 2006)

26 Feb

Mini Boos (clip)
William - flamingo - style 25063

McDonalds Teeny Tys
Gilda - flamingo - bag 9

Ty Fashion
Gilda - flamingo (backpacks) - styles 95027 & 95040
Gilda - flamingo (belt bag) - style 95800
Gilda - flamingo (slides) - styles 95408, 95438, 95468
Gilda - flamingo (wristlet purse) - style 95227

Teeny Tys
Gilda - flamingo - style 42147

Beanie Boos
Charming - monkey - style 36104
Gilda - flamingo - style 36848

Beanie Babies
Fearless - guinea pig - style 40782 - (birth year 2009)
Marshall - horse - style 40068 - (birth year 2004)
Mukluk - dog - style 40031 - (birth year 2003)

27 Feb

Ty Fashion
Icy - seal, backpack - style 95028
Icy - seal, wristlet purse - style 95228

Beanie Boos
Hambone - pig - style 37318
Icy - seal - style 36164
Rocco - raccoon - style 36727

Beanie Babies
Pompoms - bear - style 40386 - (birth year 2006)
Sparky - dog - style 4100 - (birth year 1996)

28 Feb

Tickle - dog - styles 39208 & 39304

Teeny Tys
Floater - dolphin - style 42314

Beanie Boos
Pellie - cat - style 37031
Sleighbell - dog - style 37299

Beanie Ballz
Zoom - turtle - style 38019

Beanie Babies
Flip - cat - style 4012 - (birth year 1995)
Rufus - dog - style 4280 -(birth year 2000)
Smarty Jones - horse - style 40698 - (birth year 2001)

29 Feb

Beanie Babies
Springy - rabbit - style 4272 -(birth year 2000)


Please notify us if you discover our timeline is missing any birth dates for Ty Inc. plush products.