Complete List of Ty Cuddlys
Ella (8-inch) - elephant - 65013
Ella (13-inch) - elephant - 67013
Fluff (8-inch) - panda - 65026
Fred (13-inch) - fox - 67016
Kit (8-inch) - cat - 65000
Mookie (8-inch) - monkey - 65009
Mookie (13-inch) - monkey - 67009
Muggy (13-inch) - dog - 67005
Otis (13-inch) - pig - 67008
Note: This listing shows only those Cuddlys that have been seen at retail with the "Cuddlys" swing tags attached. Many of them were originally available with "Attic Treasures" swing tags. The original versions (with the "Attic Treasures" swing tags) are listed in the Attic Treasures section.