Ty Warner Product Lines - History & Status
Individual product lines are categorized based on the distinct and different swing tags attached to the items, or the embedded markings on the items or their packaging (when they don't have swing tags). For example, some Ty collectors consider the "Alphabet Beanies" and/or "Beanie Babies 2.0" to be in the "Beanie Babies" product line, but we list them as separate product lines because they have different swing tag designs and family names inside the swing tags.
Introduction dates are "official Ty introduction dates" for the product line (when known) or the first time an item in that particular product line appeared in a media release, commercial advertisement, Ty retailer catalog or appeared for sale on retail shelves or online.
At the end of 2007, Ty discontinued "official retirement" announcements for his products. It seems more practical to use the word "Discontinued" instead of "Retired" for a product line that encompasses items with different "retirement" dates. The "Discontinued" dates in this list reflect the month of the last new item that appeared at retail for that particular product line if there have been no new products for that line within the past two years.
Ty occassionally revives an old product line as he did with "Attic Treasures" and "Baby Ty" in 2017. When this happens, we preface the name (on this list) of the first appearance of the line with "original" and the revived line with the year it was re-introduced.
When a Ty product or product line is "retired" or "discontinued," the items in that product line may still be available for order at Ty Inc. or retail sale, sometimes for years following the retirement or discontnuation of the line.
family was active